Cancer Alternatives Book

Defeating Cancer with Alternative Therapy

Current cancer therapy not working as you expected? Perhaps at least reading up on the best Alternative Cancer Therapies might provide an answer.

Cancer Alternatives

What You May NOT Know and What Your Doctor Will NOT Tell You

Cancer Alternatives Book

Most Important!

Reviewed by RWP. "outstanding. It's extremely dense with pertinent information without being overly complicated. It contains the info of 10 books. yet, it's easy to read too."

Another review: "The book's clarity and the wealth of information it provides ... make it a must-read."

Alternative therapies work

Some people do not trust alternatives due to the negative influences from groups like the ACS and the pink ribbon groups, who support and profit from traditional therapies. These groups support and raised funds for the pharmaceutical industry and traditional Oncology. Some sources say that alternatives are unproven or do not show effectiveness. The wrong alternatives may produce poor results, but there are many alternatives with studies that show efficacy, proven to work. There are actually alternatives proven to work in studies.

Doctors and traditional therapy

Additionally, most people know little about cancer and want to trust their doctor for answers. This book delves into alternatives, good and bad, providing good information about safety and effectiveness. The person who has cancer, wanting the best chance of survival, should learn all they can for themselves. The reason for this is simple. Patients are rarely told that many die horrible deaths directly as a result of their chemo, radiation, or surgery. Chemotherapy, the use of deadly toxic poisons in hopes that it kills cancer first, kills a significant number of patients.

What is this book about?

This "Cancer Alternatives Book" is about why cancer develops, why it spreads, and what you can do to reduce the risk, presence, and spread of cancer. Regardless of what cancer you may be concerned with, this book will provide helpful insight, discussing a wide range of subjects allowing the reader to understand the reasons that cancer exists, what can be done to remove those reasons, and thereby help remove the cancer itself, keeping it from returning.

The difference in this book

Unlike many 'Cancer Cook Books' it does not push a specific diet but explores the benefits and the consequences of many different nutritional approaches, covering over 200 vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements that have had studies done, as well as over 30 different protocols. Also, this is not a book about covering personal life issues or feelings. It discusses the damage caused by certain choices, how to avoid or recover from damage.

Medical advice

The contents of this book are not medical advice, just a simple exposure to what might make a difference in your choices in fighting cancer and possibly autoimmune disorders.This book discuses a number of things that can affect the outcome of your cancer struggle as well as some things that might even prevent cancer in the first place. There are places and people around the world where cancer is rare.

Why I wrote this book

I started writing this book during the time my wife was struggling with her late stage lung cancer because if we had this information years before, she probably could have lived much longer and possibly could have beat it. She did survive for almost 20 years after her first symptoms appeared although at the time, and 20 years is a long time, her doctors did not understand that they were cancer symptoms. After her passing, I have continuously researched many cancer alternatives that we did not know about at the time. Later, my sister, a M.D., developed her MMIBC breast cancer and was diagnosed in 2010, was told by her oncologist that she wold likely only live for about 2-1/2 years. Using mostly natural and alternative therapies discussed in this book, she lived about 9-1/2 years. Interesting choice? Live 2-1/2 years in misery ot or a good healthy 9 years.

Is this information good?

Some of the information in this book is often 'lost' among lots propaganda designed to convince you that alternatives can not work. The reality is that there are studies proving that certain things found in food are actually as effective or possibly even better than certain things offered by the medical community. Often articles that claim that alternatives do not work are the result of fingers on the scales. The medical industry is not only good at hiding and misrepresenting alternatives but they are dedicated to it.

When facing cancer and possible death from cancer, patients expect their doctor to provide the best guidance and support. In this age of information, many have found that the information provided by the family doctor or the oncologist may be fairly limited or even seriously biased. Often, they will provide only information about traditional therapies while some others always want try the latest fad in chemotherapy or radiation. They appear to only know about chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, having no interest in anything else. As a result, the oncologist will usually only offer chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Alternatives are rarely mentioned. Doctors can only discuss things that they were taught in school and what is in scientific journals. Alternative therapies are even frowned upon and derided by organizations such as the American Cancer Society.


Video About Cancer Alternatives

It should be noted that most oncologists would not accept chemotherapy for treatment if they were found to have cancer. Many would also not accept most of the radiation therapies. The cancer patient should also consider the profit motive. The fact is that chemotherapy often generates $10,000 per treatment or even more. The oncologist makes a lot of money from providing chemotherapy, radiation, etc. Many of the chemotherapy and radiation treatments that they offer cause new cancers later in life and other health problems as well. Chemotherapy and radiation can both destroy many of the bodies organs, damaging the heart, liver, kidneys, and even damaging the brain and nervous system. They almost always damage the bone marrow, which produces your new blood cells. In fact, one unreported statistic is that chemotherapy often kills, even as a result of only one treatment. This statistic is well hidden. In one survey, it was found that only about one-third of physicians and oncology nurses would have consented to chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer. In another survey, it was found that of 118 Canadian doctors who treat lung cancer, only 16% would want chemotherapy for symptomatic metastatic bone disease. Another study found that about 1 in every 4 of such deaths had either been sped up or even caused by chemotherapy. The studies findings also included the discovery that 2 out of every 5 of the patients had suffered significant poisoning from their treatment.

A person who has cancer so bad that there is little or no chance of survival is placed in the group that does not receive the chemotherapy in any study. These are the people who get left in the control group but eliminated from the test group. According to a study by a group in Australia, The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be only 2.1% in the USA. This fails to recognize that at 6 years, the numbers flip and there are more people alive that refused chemotherapy than those who accepted it. This is the number that oncologist do not want to talk about. It shows without a doubt that chemotherapy takes lives and shortens life expectancy.

Another point: Doctors, with the very little knowledge that they are given on nutrition, diet, and health ( that is right, doctors are not actually taught what good health is. ) are only told that these things have a normal range. They are NEVER taught about OPTIMUM health, OPTIMUM nutrition, OPTIMUM hormone levels. Really, isn't that what you really want and need? Optimum health for optimum lifespan!

In the 1950s when I was growing up, cancer was rare and you had about a 1 in 30 chance of developing cancer in your lifetime. Now the risk is about 1 in 2, in other words, half of all the people living in the U.S. are expected to develop cancer during their lives. This should bring into immediate question, WHY?

The Book covers over 200 different vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements that are reputed help with cancer survival and is available by clicking this link:

See also Cancer Alternatives

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David Etheredge
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.